Monday, August 10, 2009

We learn best when we teach !

Moving Beyond Cognitive Level to Lifelong Learning !
Developing approach towards Information Literacy !!

Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink! The same can be translated to voluminous information explosion around the world. Pragmatic evaluation of information source, sensible selection of relevant information, efficient use of the acquired information remains the challenge of this world which is increasingly becoming vulnerable due to misinformation, lack of processed information and ignorance towards the aspect of utility which comes by the intuition and common sense, qualities which are sought after in ascending way from information science professionals. Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” (‘American Library Association’, 1989)

Defining competency in specifically defined skills in education institutions is still unattended area of building knowledge base. The difference between entry level and exit level competency is the measurement of the value added to the potential of that particular student's learning capability. This positive difference in competency level leading towards development of individual careers is one of the credible benchmarks of the accreditation of the educational institutions.

Many times due to influence of certain sources, student already know about the strength of the educational program they are going to undertake. But they may not know what type of skills and knowledge attitude they must need in order to transform this opportunity of education into successful entry into the professional work desired by student. So this journey from ‘Desired’ to become ‘Deserved’ travels through channel of skill development which is entirely shaped by evolving dimensions of information literacy.

Why it is important to understand the difference between entry level and exit level competency? The reason is society reflects its composition in educational institutions. Then is certain class or caste possess different skills than other group of people then it is futile to measure all of them on the same academic criteria even though avoiding bias against meritorious students. Emergence of paradigm of information literacy is very critical shift in assessment of the students at the juncture where we all are debating Affirmative Action and other Social Justice Initiatives across the public and private sector. Skills and Competency should remain the entry and exit assessment criteria whoever the person is and irrespective of the whatever merit and heritage individual student have in the concerned discipline of study, field of profession or perspective of thinking.

Benefits of Information Literacy Assessment:
The specific need for information must be demonstrated to the appropriate authorities. This requires understanding of the problem in rational manner, preparing the clear presentation having comprehensive idea about the problem or task in hand and communicate it in simplest language without letting in any jargon which may hamper the process of understanding of the problem in mutual way. After doing this justifying the expenses is major task because it helps to plan and acquire the resources in advance for the fulfillment of the task. Earning accreditation for the services which involves the information creation and dissemination activities. Then comes the level of articulation of level of competencies. This is embedded part of direct teaching strategy and done by organizing students in different learning groups by identifying different information

Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning. An information literate individual is able to:
a) Determine the extent of information needed
b)Access the needed information effectively and efficiently
c)Evaluate information and its sources critically
d)Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base
e)Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
f)Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access
use information ethically and legally
(Source: Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education: © ALA, 2000,

Objectives of these ACRL standards is to rank relevancy of selected skills, be responsible in assessment of no. of skills under acquisition, matching skills to that of required competency benchmarks and articulating the level of performance based on the acquired skill utility in our operations or activities. This approach is driven by belief that we have to create ‘lifelong learning skills’ in the students or the group which is undergoing intensive/extensive training. Then focus of our efforts shifts beyond cognitive level of learning and moves towards process of ‘Lifelong Learning’.

‘Lifelong Learning’ involves creating a rational attitude and interest towards the subject, persistence on timely completion of the task, realistic and relevant goal setting, multiple approaches to problem solving, willingness to apply learning and not least willingness to apply learning in our daily lives. Most significant initiative from the learners should be in the form of knowing when to ask for information. This task will demand enormous systematic efforts to identify right source, cumulative conscious efforts to compile data, contextual processing of that data to transform that into information, then practicing on that acquired understanding to inherit non-obvious tacit and generate new explicit knowledge. The best way to develop the sustainable habit of life long learning is to develop acumen of teaching because we learn best when we teach !

(Special thanks to Prof. Caroline M. Stern, Professor, Ferris State University, MI, USA. She recently delivered talk Information Literacy Competencies: New Directions in New Delhi)


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