Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Stars of This year`s Shantiswaroop Bhatnagar Prizes by CSIR

PIB reported late on 26th Sept. 2009 about eleven scientist being selected for 2009 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for science and technology on the occasion of CSIR Foundation Day celebration here in New Delhi at Vigyan Bhawan. Their names discipline-wise are as under: Biological Sciences: 1) Dr Amitabh Joshi, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Banglore, 2) Dr Bhaskar Saha, National Centre for Cell Science, Pune; Chemical Sciences: 1) Dr Charusita chakravarty, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, 2)Dr Narayanaswamy Jayaraman, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean & Planetary Sciences: 1) Dr S K Satheesh, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Engineering Sciences: 1) Dr Giridhar Madras, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2) Dr. Jayant Ramaswamy Haritsa, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Mathematical Sciences: 1) Dr. Venapally Suresh, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad; Medical Sciences: 1) Dr Santosh Gajanan Honavar, L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad; Physical Sciences: 1)Dr Rajesh Gopakumar, Harishhandra research Institute, Allahabad, 2) Dr Abhishek Dhar, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore.

The Bhatnagar Prizes are given to scientists below 45 years of age, for their outstanding scientific contributions made primarily in India during the last 5 years preceding the year of the Prize. The SSB Prize comprises a citation, a plaque and a cash award of Rs.5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh only), and are given to the recipients by the Prime Minister of India.

How complex concepts in Physics like Quantum field theory and giant concept of string theory can be milked in two hours of great oratory and generate persistent curiosity in the young, old research scientists is reflected from the presentation of Dr. Gopakumar deleivered at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research on 7th Sept. 2009. This year`s one of the winner of Shantiswaroop Bhatnagar award winner was there to present his passionate research as a part of commemorating birth centenary of Dr. Homi Bhabha.

At the outset he greatly focussed on principles of Physics embodying our ability to discern regularities amidst complex behaviour. This according to him, is remarkably capturable in precise mathematical language. Thus his belief in these principles seemingly able to continue to do so as we widen the scope of these laws though sometimes to do so requires conceptual and mathematical reorientation.

Jumping on the gravity, he tried to explain how gravity is the most ubiquitous force in nature. It is common knowledge that Newton’s law of gravitation the first “universal” law. However, he says, it has a certain range of validity and these laws break down under two different sets of extreme circumstances. What are these circumstances? “These are not applicable when objects move very fast (e.g. Pulsars) and also not relevant when the density becomes large (e.g. at the centre of galaxies).

Dr. Gopakumar further elaborated the evolution of the falsification of the Newton`s theories. Einstein succeeded in (partially) overcoming these limitations. His description of gravity applicable at high velocities (relativistic). It is also true for moderately high densities (e.g. neutron stars). This was accomplished this not just by tweaking Newton’s Law a bit. This as Dr. says radically overhauled the very framework for describing gravity. Einstein tied up the description of gravity with the geometry of space and time! Spacetime is no longer a passive stage for the drama of physical events. It becomes an active participant - responding to its contents.

He was teaching about ‘Gravity and Geometry’. Einstein’s theory is in a very different mathematical framework from Newton’s. In terms of a metric measurements of distance and curvature of spacetime; Einstein’s equations determine in terms of the matter/energy. This, remarkably enough, reduces to Newton’s law for low densities and velocities.

Then suddenly he introduced few doubts and questions like these: “Physical reality is QM’cal - classical measurables have statistical outcomes. Is spacetime a statistically averaged notion? How can we sensibly talk of quantum fluctuations of the metric? How do we reconcile Einstein’s picture with Quantum Mechanics? ” As he explains further, limitations of Einstein’s Law lead to the breakdown of Einstein’s description as you enlarge its scope again under two sets of limiting circumstances especially at very short (“planckian”) distances and at ultra-high densities. The equations themselves exhibit the breakdown - develop singularities.” Thus he manages to conclude that the need for a description that overcomes these limitations will be fulfilled by a Quantum theory of Gravity and scientists need Quantum. Gravity to investigate the birth of the universe or understand black holes.

Eventually Dr. Gopakumar names String Theory as ‘The Reluctant Radical’. Because String Theory originated as a “conservatively radical” modification of Quantum Field Theory(Q.F.T.) considering the Quantum dynamics of extended objects. This has to be understood in the context of delicately spun framework which is highly constrained - more so than Quantum Field Theory. String Theory showed early promise in addressing some of the difficulties QFT had with respect to gravity.

Recent interest in string theory is generated by variety of applications of theoretical insights scientists are getting. According to Suresh Kumar S., Scientist at NIIST , Trivendrum says1 that the same string-theory concepts used to describe black holes can help explain the behavior of electrons in a superconductor or metal. It has been used for explaining the strong nuclear forces involved in a quark–gluon plasma, and has become a competitor for the more favored QCD theories. Multi-dimensional space, with the extra dimensions being coiled in the ordinary three dimensioned case. Under high energy conditions these express themselves. Holographic principle applies in the reverse situation of extension to cooler or less energy intense situations :information contained in a higher dimension can be embedded in lower dimension. Possibility of certain material configurations and compositions under particular conditions causing holographic effects as above is being studies, so that a higher dimensioned phenomenon is morphed onto a lower dimensioned domain.

For decades researchers have tried to wrest testable predictions from string theory, the leading candidate for a more fundamental understanding of the universe.2 Now physicists say they have used one of the most sophisticated pieces of string theory to predict properties of the ultradense matter created in an atom smasher in Long Island, N.Y. If confirmed, however, the prediction would not offer evidence for string theory, which requires the existence of extra dimensions of space full of higher-dimensional stringlike objects and other widgets. Instead, it would establish that some of string theory's mathematics could be used to study the forces at work inside an atom's nucleus.






Friday, September 25, 2009

Managing Urbanisation- Delhi Taking Lessons from Tokyo Metro: Planning Ahead of Expanding Cities

Learning about Japan`s way of "managing urbanisation in vastly populated and economically expanding cities" was a momentous experience today at second day of first Habitat Summit (Towards Alternative Urban Futures for India). Delivering a keynote address on “MAKING CITIES WORK FOR GROWTH” , Hiroto Arakawa, Senior Special Advisor, Japan International Co-operation Agency spoke in details about how Tokyo which accounts for nearly 25% of the population of Japan has established itself a model of urban transport across the world.

Managing urbanisation was biggest challenge ahead of Tokyo in the time during 1950s-70s. Government strategies were primarily focussed on sustainibility and inclusiveness. Solving congestion and reducing spatial disparity were the prime challenges in this process. By that time Tokyo-Yokohama and Osaka-kobe had emerged has leading twin cities dominating the Japanese rise lead by vibrant economic activities across the pacific coast. Due to the result of the development of these cities that Japan could become nation with second largest GNP after USA for quite a long time. How crucial these cities are to Japan is evident from recent celebration in Yokohama witnessed by me to mark the 150th year of opening of port of Yokohama to the entire world. Whole day Yokohama city was waiting for evening and when all the roads leading towards the main museum located near bridge of Yokohama port were perfectly congested to give you sense that really megacities while in time of celebration can really behave like ordinary cities. But Yokohama could survive that celebration by bringing in lakhs of commuters from Tokyo and other cities due to well meshed metro lines.

Tokyo`s population is 1.5 times that of New York but area is one third that of New York. Considering that London and Paris are much smaller than New York, Tokyo becomes the biggest Metropolitan region of the world. The vast numbers of commuters use the public transportation system at the same time each morning and evening, so railways must provide tremendous capacity to satisfy the demand. Postwar improvements in Tokyo’s railway network have involved continued effort and huge investments, creating a transit system with immense capacity (Table 3). Although the system can handle the demand, there is congestion at times but studies show that there is a limit to what can be done to alleviate this congestion. Integrated Spatial Development Plan of 1962 and New Integrated Spatial Development Plan of 1969 laid the foundation of creating urban policy and infrastructure resources necessary for the expansion of the metro service.

Government`s flexibility to award contracts to private railway developers accelerated the development of Tokyo city itself. Private metro construction companies initiated for large scale infrastructure development around metro station areas, social infrastructure like housing development recieved impetus by these private industries and not least these companies were instrumental in erecting the economical bus transport in the cities being developed around new metro stations. Subways became the focus of most new railway construction in metropolitan areas after second world war. Due to immense expensive subway development, companies borrowed money from local governments causing stalling of the work for many years. Around 1962 central government introduced new subsidy system to lighten the burden of the companies.

Real boost to Tokyo`s suburban metro development got in 1964 when Japan was responsible for successful completion of Tokyo olympics. This year Japan saw the emergence of fastest MagLev train 'Shinkansen' In all these developments, strong leadership role of central government is in addressing the fiscal space is central in solving the problem well before planning became. Once again optimising the role of central and local governments is the key as evident from the subsidies given to provate metro rail developers: one third is given by Tokyo Metropolitan Authority, one third is given by Central Government. The companies greatly increased the value of fixed assets used for non-railway businesses, and the value of their investment securities.

Average distance between two stations around Tokyo is around 0.6 miles. Metro expansion began when population density was low. Due to timely steps taken soon metro became centre of urban attraction and proved to be reason for business of profitability. More through operations linking subways, JNR lines, JR east lines, and private lines have been established since the 1960s in order to minimize the inconvinience for commuters changing trains and to reduce station congestion. Investment in Tokyo`s public transport recieves different types of assistance, reflecting the variety of different operators and conditions. Asistance include subway construction subsidies, low interest and interest free government loans to transport operators, subsidisation of interest payments by private railways and subsidies for new transport systems funded by fuel taxes. These days according to 2008 figures Tokyo Metro made sales up to the tune of $3.8 B out of which they could secure net profit upto $0.4 B.

The highlights of the session were the key points summarised by Prof. K.C. Sivaramakrishnan, Chairman, Centre for Policy Research. The points which are: (i) Whether we want to move people and goods, or move vehicles? (ii) About 20-60% of our country’s population still walks, (iii) Private cars still dominate the
urban mode of transport with 263 cars and 433 two-wheelers being added per day in 2003-04, (iv) the politics of road space allocation, (v) the politics of road space pricing, (vi) the politics of public and private funding where the tax system disfavours public transport, (vii) the politics of mass transit choices, (viii) the politics of route choices, (ix) Phase I of JNNURM: Where 15,260 buses will be brought in, but where is the space? and (x) the politics of real estate and city planning: With inter and intra-city implications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For Further Readings:
1.Haruya Hirooka, March 2000, The Development of Tokyo’s Rail Network, Japan Railway & Transport Review 23

2.Takao Okamoto and Norihisa Tadakoshi, October 2000, Rail Transport in The World’s Major Cities, Japan Railway & Transport Review 25

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Enthusing the legacy of Homi Bhabha in young scientists of India !!!

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai recently conducted a four day Young Indian Scientists Colloquium to commemorate birth centenary of Dr. Homi Bhabha,founder of country`s nuclear energy programme and one of the greatest theoretical and applied research scientist India has ever produced.

Colloquium`s inaugural talk was by Mahindra Agrawal from IIT, Kanpur who elaborated on the principle of N being not equal to NP. The founding assumption behind this formula is that finding the correct solution may take a very long time when n is very large. On the contrary given the solution of the puzzle it is very easy to verify if the solution of the puzzle is correct. In many problems, finding a solution is far more difficult than checking the correctness of a given solution. This is understandable because discovering a solution is often much more difficult than verifying the correctness. This emphasis by Dr. Agrawal was in reference to the efficiency of omputational power of the modern processors some of which use algorithms in sequential manner. An algorithm being a set of precise instructions in terms of arithmetic, assignments and Boolean operations.

In majority of the computational exercises the time complexity of the sequential operations is principle hindrance in enhancing the efficiency of the operations. A problem with very high complexity of the order of 1000 power is extremely difficult to solve although it does not arise in practise. The core of this discussion lies in the belief that if P is equal to NP (P=NP) then “for all problems whose solutions can be efficiently verified, then the solutions can be efficiently generated too. This is fundamental problem in contemporary research in computer science facing these days.

The progress in current research in String Theory was highlighted by Mr. Rajesh Gopakumar from Harishchandra Research Institute of Allahabad. He started off with expressing the special characteristics of laws of physics which award us the opportunity to embody our ability to discern regularities amidst complex behaviour. Further laws of physics are remarkably capturable in precise mathematical language.

This talk highlighted the successive failures of Newtonian and Eienstienian frameworks in understanding the behaviour of bodies in very fast velocities, ultra-high density and very short Planckian distances. The previously discussed aspect of verification vs. success in generating solutions (N=NP) to the problem was underlined by Dr. Gopakumar by saying that “it is discouraging that ideas to solve the latest puzzles of String Theory and it`s reation to Quantum Field are subject to inadequacy of Newton and Eienstien`s frameworks.”

The hallmark of the Colloquium can be attributed to the presentation of Dr. Shubha Tole from Dept. of Biological Sciences, TIFR. She discussed about current efforts to understand how the brain is built? The building up of vertebral cortex which is responsible for psychological features of perception, language, learning, memory and finally cognition is very much at the core of realising the possibilities to answer the long vexed questions of what is the intelligence and common sense, how we form our intuitions, where exactly the connection between neurons is established to forge a concrete decision making arrangement etc.

The keen observation behind the belief to describe the commonality of the behavioural patterns being same across different systems. The crux of the talk was focussed on the question of what would happen if LhX2 mutant cells were sprinkled in a background of normal cells of the brain. This talk was really the indicator of how complex biological topic about cortex, neurons, axons and functioning of brain can be made enjoyable through proactive body language, engaging audience in multiple interactions probing their information level about the topic being discussed and energised approach of enthusiasm.

In another interesting talk about Liquid-liquid transactions and Anomalous properties of water, silicon and other tetrahedral liquids was delivered by Srikanth Shastry of Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Research, Bengaluru. The main theme of this research concerns about why do temperature and pressure matter when we talk about phase transition? How do the other phases of water arise like metastable states.

Water phase diagram reveals rich crystal ‘polymorphism’ and current research is trying to find out the various reasons associated with this phenomenon. For many positive reasons liquid-solid transitions work for better ways than anticipated. These coexistent lines are possible because they have same energy level. For success in getting fresh insight in the abnormal behaviour of water this free energy barrier need to be crossed. It is significant that liquid-gas coexistence line terminates at a critical point beyond which there is no distinction between liquid and gas.

Metastable state is basically where matter can exist in a state that is not the thermodynamically stable state. Such metastable states can survive for long times, but will eventually transform to the stable state, either on contact with the stable phase, spontaneously, or when “disturbed” in some way e.g. Nucleation. Research around metastability is focussed on what happens when coexistence line is crossed. It remains to be conclusively state that whether these metastable states are having finite time or not. In this respect four basic properties of liquid need to be studies in details. Properties are: density, coefficient of thermal expansion, compressibility, specific heat and many other properties show dynamic behaviour at low temperature.

Eventually talk summarised that an unusual transition between two forms of liquid water appears to be present, though not conclusively proved experimentally. Consistent (though not unique) explanation of many interesting observations in super - cooled water is being given. Computer simulation studies reveal existence of a liquid-liquid critical point. Other fascinating phenomena (protein glass transition, colloidal self assembly..) appear to involve some aspects of such a transition.

The colloquium culminated with the talk “The Elusive Neutrino” by Dr. Amol Dighe from Dept of Theoretical Physics, TIFR. The neutrinos needed to be studies as their enormous potential to reveal the secrets about the universe formation. They are found in nuclear reactors, in thermonuclear fusion in the corona of Sun, particle accelerators, cosmic rays, natural radioactivity, supernova i.e. stellar collapse etc. A neutrino which is thousand times lighter than electron and there has been no conclusive measurement about the physical properties of neutrino.

The role of neutrinos in stellar explosion was under investigation during Dr. Amol`s talk. If we could locate information about neutrino masses and mixing encoded in energy spectra of neutrinos; this combined with identification of neutrinos mass ordering either normal or inverted order can predict the supernova explosion hours before actual event. This is possible b y tracking the shock waves when still inside the mantle. The future of neutrino physics is concentrated in developing bigger and better detectors.

The eleventh plan of Government of India has envisaged foundation of Indian Neutrino Observatory near Mysore. Several groups belonging to different Universities and research Institutes in India are part of the collaboration working on the details of INO. The current proposal focuses on neutrino detection with static detectors, to be placed deep underground at a site close to Masinagudi in the Nilgiri mountains of South India.The research work in this direction will be based in Mysore. Dr. Dighe told that even if presently we are in a position to narrow down on hundred possible an excellent group of theorists making the physics case of INO strong, it is true that we need around 500 Physicists for this ambitious exercise. INO is an effort aimed at building a world-class underground laboratory to study fundamental issues in physics.

The primary goal of the laboratory is the study of neutrinos from various natural and laboratory sources. It is envisaged that such an underground facility will develop into a centre for other studies as well, in physics, biology, geology, etc., all of which will make use of the special conditions that exist deep underground. Apart from the scientific goals of INO, the laboratory itself will greatly enhance the development of detector technology and its varied applications.

Recent data from several neutrino detectors around the world, in particular, that from the Super-Kamiokande detector in Japan, and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Canada, seem to indicate that neutrinos not only have mass, but also experience flavour mixing. This leads to the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations that can then explain the discrepancy between theory and observation as seen in certain experiments. If correct, this will provide the first unambiguous evidence for physics beyond the so-called standard model of particle physics. The existence of nonzero neutrino masses has profound implications on fields as varied as nuclear physics, particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. It is also important to note that with the observation of neutrinos from the core of the sun and also from the supernova SN1987A, a new window to the universe has opened up.

In future, neutrino astronomy is going to play a key role in our understanding of the universe. Most importantly, neutrino telescopes will allow us to look into the densest places of the universe which are completely opaque to optical astronomy. To exploit this emerging new area of observational neutrino physics, about two years ago, the idea to construct a neutrino detector at an India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) was mooted.[1]

The first year of the project will be devoted to exploration, finalisation of designs, identifying the contractors, etc. The next two years will involve excavation of the tunnel and laboratory cavern. During the last two years installation of the laboratory equipment and detector construction will begin. The present road map envisages that the first module of the detector, 16 ktons, will start taking data at the end of five years. Immediately after that the subsequent modules will be constructed. This project is expected to be beyond 25 years of it`s functioning capacity.

This commemoration of the legendary scientist’s birth centenary marks the one more step in the direction of celebrating the ethos of scientific spirit represented by equally passionate interest he showed in music, literature, strategic thinking, administrative and bureaucratic acumen and above all belief that any Big science ultimately should benefit common men and women.

[1] NABA K MONDAL (2004), STATUS OF INDIA-BASED NEUTRINO OBSERVATORY (INO), Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad, 70, A, No.1, January 2004, pp.71–77

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Initiatives in Climate Change Research in India


Many countries are blessed with internal and external security problems, constant conflicts leading towards loss of life and habitat, pervasion of chronic issues of hunger, poverty, lack of basic health facilities marred by void of education and human rights. In this context, the climate change is emerging as an issue of concern to all members of diverse societies, cultures, citizenships loaded with narrow differences and also having lot of similarities to share due to the common ecology and physical borders of those societies and countries.

To understand the processes of Climate Change, it requires a new holistic ‘paradigm shift’ in our thinking. When language of threats arising out of climate change is going through the prism of real, urgent and dangerous; the meaning reflected by these words have acquired definite meaning in the parlance of scientific evidence through consistent evolution of international consensus.

Lead originally by initiative of Indian Academy of Sciences and considering the importance of reliable science input on Climate Change for policy framework generated by The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) in the past on climate change research, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) has set up a national Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR) at IITM to address all science issues of Climate Change relevant to the regional climate. Centre could be seen at the link ‘CCCR’ of the Institute’s website: http://www.tropmet.res.in

The CCCR is a grant-in-aid Program at IITM as part of a larger National Program on Global and Regional Climate Change launched by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. India. IITM, Pune, an autonomous Institute under the MoES functioning as a leading research centre in applied and fundamental aspects of ocean-land-atmosphere interaction in tropics is searching for reputed scientists for senior scientific positions at different levels for its newly launched Centre for Climate Change

The Program will involve attribution and projection of regional monsoon climate using regional as well as high resolution global coupled models. R & D activity is planned to do whatever is needed to reduce the uncertainty in the attributions and projections. The Centre is envisioned to be a world centre of excellence with all the necessary physical and computing infrastructure as well as adequate human resources and will provide state-of-the-art work environment for scientists. Research (CCCR) at Pune.

The indicators reflecting the significance of the research in various variables are already moving beyond the patterns of natural variability within which contemporary society and economy have developed and thrived. Indicators include a) Global mean surface temperature, b)Sea level rise, c)Global ocean temperature, d) Arctic sea rise extent, e)Ocean acidification, f) Extreme climatic events. The Scientific expertise which CCRA is seeking to advance research in Climate Change in the areas of (i) Physical Processes, (ii) Climate Modelling, (iii) Climate Scenarios Development, (iv) Impact Assessment, and (v) Observed Changes and Data Products.

Studies of physical processes include improving various components of the global and regional models and ultimately the simulation of regional climate. In Climate Modeling the key issues will be development of coupled Ocean-Atmosphere, modeling strategy under different climate change scenarios, assessment of uncertainties in monsoon under climate change scenarios, assessment of the relative roles of aerosols and GHGs on Indian Monsoon, development of modeling set up to undertake various sensitivity studies and outstanding issues relevant to climate change and palaeoclimate modeling studies to identify climate analogues in the past for the estimate of future evolution of climate.

Forecasting constitutes crucial part of mitigating crisis which can occur due to extreme events of climate change. In this respect CCRA will try to establish fresh perspectives about Climate Scenarios Development. The chief objectives of it will be a) to generate an ensemble of high-resolution regional climate change scenarios to be utilized by several groups in the country that are involved with impact assessment and development of adaptation and mitigation policies and methodologies by running several global and regional climate models with different GHG scenarios for more than a century and b) to evaluate and develop suitable downscaling methodologies for developing tailor made climate change data products for the users in the country and the region.

India is lacking in informed studies of Impacts Assessments to convince the global community that country is equally vulnerable to the threats of dynamic changes in the ecosystem. Therefore, to examine the impact of climate change on some important sectors such as the water resources with a special emphasis on the Himalayan river systems, agriculture, human health etc new studies have been initiated. These studies will be done at the centre itself as well as in joint collaboration with other groups in the country.

The current crisis of climate change is arrived not only due to production of the GHGs in recent times but also due to long lasting accumulation of the GHGs since many decades. Because of the long life of Carbon Di Oxide, Methane, Nitrus Oxide and HFCs, PFCs, SF6 the accumulated concentration of the GHGs is causing cumulative impact on the environment. The world is having very small window of opportunity as far as mitigation and adaptation is concerned. If the consensus arrived around 2 degree Celsius is to be materialized then world must stop the concentration of CO2 upto 450 ppm. Right now the world has concentration of CO2 around 430 ppm. Regarding Observed Changes and Data Products the capacities to be developed in CCRA include following areas: (i) Monitoring, source identification of various GHGs, (ii) Aerosols; space time variability, chemical composition etc., (iii) Monitoring and assessing land use and land cover changes, and (iv) Palaeoclimate reconstruction using various proxies.

New ambitious mechanism of diffusion of technology must be developed in order to facilitate the developing countries for strengthening their hands in mitigating the damage being done by climate change. This mere access of technology will not solve the problem of the enhancing the mitigation efforts. There is urgent need to develop capacity building institutions in the developing countries, improved financial mechanisms, and whole set of development initiatives to improve the adaptable techniques to incorporate the modern technologies. Before moving in this direction, rigorous research in versatile aspects of fundamental sciences of climate change is very essential.
