Monday, December 15, 2008

IIITA Conclave Report: 16/12/ 08---Don`t do science for sake of awards

"As I very much liked to draw and paint as a child, I entered a special art program in high school, which was very much like being in an art school imbedded in a regular high school curriculum. While I always had some interest in science, I developed a strong interest in physics when I was in high school as a result of reading a short book entitled Relativity, by Einstein. It opened a new vista for me and deepened my curiosity about the physical world."

These are the revealation of Prof. Jerome Friedman who delievered a inspiring lecture on second day of the Nobel Conclave meet here in IIIT Allahabad.

He was key person in a research team which in a series of investigations found clear signs and traces of therotically proved existence of an inner structure in the protons and neutrons of the atomic nucleus For more details kindly go to

In a really interactuive and friendly way unlike to the most of the scientists who find it difficult to convey the complex research findings in easy way, he really mastered the articulation of the understanding of the fundamental principles in simplest way. (The discussion regarding this has been done in Scientists Must Speak: Bringing Presentations to Life(Routledge)by D. Eric Walters and Gale C. Walters. Friedman urged the new emerging students to work on the fundamental questions raised by his reaserch.

There was a rare dissert for students where five nobel laurets were present on the dias...Answering a question related to what kind of model for science communication must be adopted, other veteran scientists were equivocal about creating more and more centre of excellence and retaining the best tallent of the country by facilitatiing the finest of the infrastructure and facilities.

One student identified the the bone entangled in the throat of the polcymakers: Why talented students are running away from the fundamental research area to other streams? Yesterday

Questions about why we cannot tap the most of the somlar energy was also very very urgent in the all of the agenda across continents.

The personal biographies of the scientists can tell us lot of about the reasons of discovery, progress...

Research Managers must know the technology. Unless and untill they know the techniques and mechanism to work out perticular process you cannot lead a successful innovation. This was the reply from one Nobel Laurete to the wise question that how ideas are transformed to innovation.

Students asked all the scientists their worst moments of their life. One scientist said that he was on the verge of making suicide because his paper was not published in Nature for five years. This paper eventually turned out to be driving force for him to recieve Nobel.

Yesterday gudiing the Physics studnets Dr. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (Winner 1997) was answering to one innocent but wise question how we can make research interesting. There he said interest will come if we really do it for the sake of science and not for the sake of any rewards.

Nobel Laurets Conclave Indian Inst.of Information Technology Allahabad

Curiosity and excitement about research drives the interest in research said the 1997 Physics Nobel Laurete Claude Cohen-Tannoudji addressing the dense gathering of students and teachers at IIIT, Allahabad where Nobel Laurete Conclave was ignited with wonderful speeches today.

He was part of the team which developed methods of cooling and trapping atoms by using laser light. Their research is helping us to study fundamental phenomena and measure important physical quantities with unprecedented precision.

Following is the extract from his speech when he actually was awraded Nobel in 1997.

"We were a small group, but the enthusiasm for research was exceptional and we worked hard. Brossel and Kastler were in the lab nearly day and night, even on weekends. We had endless discussions on how to interpret our experimental results. At the time, the equipment was rather poor and we did what we could without computers, recorders and signal averagers. We measured resonance curves point by point with a galvanometer, each curve five times, and then averaged by hand. We were, somehow, able to get nice curves and exciting results. I think that what I learned during that period was essential for my subsequent research work and key personalities such as Alfred Kastler and Jean Brossel certainly had a significant role in it."

Primarily it was understood that this gathering will project 18 Laurets as communicated. With the organisers confirming the participation of 12 scientists, I further enquired and came to know that only 5 are coming. Even world class scientists are scared of the distant Mumbai attacks.

I wondered looking at the pioneering research institutes in India who facilitated to melt the inferiority complex in Indian minds by achieving partial self reliance why this conclave has not considered invitation to emerging scientists from Indian laboratories.

They are apparently failed to convince world class ambassodors to come to IIIT and on the contrary failed to recognise and felicitate the bright spirit of the Indian youth who has taken new challenges of research in recent times in India and abroad.

Mobilisation of the masssful bunch of students towards this type of programes has remained the obcession of the government. Right now this programe has no specific agenda. It only speaks about interaction with world renowned sientists.

It will be not schocking to learn that many of the reactions I recieved from the serious particpants that IIIT has arranged this week long programe only to spend the allotted funds by the ministry.

Shall we give them benefit of doubt?
Certainly not?

There has to be central, nodal instituion for the motivating students for fundamental science having definite scheme knowing the exact delicacies of scheduling, expertise of science communicators, empanneld scientists for talks, dedicated research and documentation team commited towards the progress of science-technology and social-psychologists analysing the trends of the students interests in the country.

This is a part of wider culture who knows the significance of the quest of knowledge and really knows how to respect that....

Interaction has to be bidirectional and informal. On the first day, I felt as if I am in stereotypical college class. These are the events where no opportunity should be left behind to stress importance of science in our life....

It is said that greatest discovery of science in 20th century was how to study science and not the inventions in actual. We never bother about that.

Please wait for next report of tomorrow!!!!
